Interns: Laura Rougêt

cck team 2012 laura rougettWhat internship did you do?

Editorial Internship, 12 hrs/week, Oct 11 - May 12.

Overall satisfaction: Very Happy (4.6 out of 5)

Very enjoyable indeed.

What exactly did you do?

Total hours: 300 hours (plus 4, I had fun :)
Personal development hours: 60ish, or 20% of total
Mentoring hours (time spent on my development by others at CCK): 60ish also

You can see my timesheet here and here is my internship month by month.

How did you get round to doing an internship with us?

I discovered the CCK vacancy on a website called, and was immediately attracted to the comprehensive nature of the internship. Of course, I was keen to soak up the editorial experience and the internship had a wide scope. In addition, I was pleased to learn that there was a blog following current affairs which affect the LGBT community, as I believe the way in which society treats these issues is relevant to us all. It was nice to find a site which is friendly and explorative, enabling adults to explore sexual ideas and practices without being 'just a sex site'. I am also a massive London-ophile, not to mention a worshipper of cake (carrot cake is probably my favourite, although the choice is not easy!) and an avid coffee drinker.

Once I'd sent my cover letter off, I waited impatiently to be contacted – would they like my CV? Would they have hundreds of applicants? Would I hear from them at all? A few short days later, and I was telephoning my boyfriend; "They've invited me for interview!!" I squealed.

The interview went on for over an hour and a half, but we could easily have carried on chatting for much longer! It was a relaxed and informative experience. It was refreshing to chat about work with like-minded, open individuals, and inspiring to talk to Alana, who is passionate about CCK and creating a safe, informative environment for everyone to explore, whether their interests are of the edible or kinky variety!

Was the internship represented correctly?

Mostly as described. As one of the 'beta interns', so to speak, it took a long while to settle into my role and figure out what I was doing, Obviously, this will not apply to future interns, who will be moving into mostly predefined roles within a defined system. I felt the recruitment process was fine: rigorous, professional, and well-executed.

How would you rate internship induction?

Mostly smooth, some minor issues. We experienced some technical and some access issues. Support was offered throughout, and any issues dealt with as necessary.

What, specifically, did you learn? What is most valuable?

I couldn't possibly list everything I've learnt whilst working with CCK, but the most valuable thing has been being treated as an equal, and having a big part to play in creating the new CCK online site. If you'd like to know more about what I did and what I learnt, click here.

What did you find particularly beneficial?

Most of it, to be honest. I felt that the best part was the month of January, when I had a fully-inducted staff writer and we were working together closely, both totally on the ball, and getting loads of fab work done.

How did you find home and flexi-working?

Worked well most of the time.

Overall, how well did the Internship meet your expectations and why?

Very well/over-arched them: most internships don't give you as much involvement in a company as CCK do. You feel at once welcomed, involved, and useful. I didn't realise how integral interns would be to CCK's operation, and the responsibility is heavy, but it's a great opportunity and I have gained  great deal of experience and skills as a result.

How has the internship assisted with your career prospects?

I was hired for and completed a contract proofreading job in Spring 2012, which my experience at CCK certainly helped me get. Together with the experience gained from that role, I hope that I will be able to find a more permanent role in the publishing sector soon.

What next / where are you going from here?

I hope to find a full-time role in editing/publishing, where I can gain new skills and progress along my chosen career path. I also hope to continue to work with CCK in a voluntary capacity on an ongoing basis.