Interns: Laura Rougêt

cck team 2012 laura rougettWhat internship did you do?

Editorial Internship, 12 hrs/week, Oct 11 - May 12.

Overall satisfaction: Very Happy (4.6 out of 5)

Very enjoyable indeed.

What exactly did you do?

Total hours: 300 hours (plus 4, I had fun :)
Personal development hours: 60ish, or 20% of total
Mentoring hours (time spent on my development by others at CCK): 60ish also

You can see my timesheet here and here is my internship month by month.

How did you get round to doing an internship with us?

I discovered the CCK vacancy on a website called, and was immediately attracted to the comprehensive nature of the internship. Of course, I was keen to soak up the editorial experience and the internship had a wide scope. In addition, I was pleased to learn that there was a blog following current affairs which affect the LGBT community, as I believe the way in which society treats these issues is relevant to us all. It was nice to find a site which is friendly and explorative, enabling adults to explore sexual ideas and practices without being 'just a sex site'. I am also a massive London-ophile, not to mention a worshipper of cake (carrot cake is probably my favourite, although the choice is not easy!) and an avid coffee drinker.

Once I'd sent my cover letter off, I waited impatiently to be contacted – would they like my CV? Would they have hundreds of applicants? Would I hear from them at all? A few short days later, and I was telephoning my boyfriend; "They've invited me for interview!!" I squealed.

Interns: Emily Harragan

cck team 2011 emily harraganWhat internship did you do?

Journalism & Writing Internship, November 2011 - January 2012, 330 hours (30 hrs/week)

Overall satisfaction: Very Happy (4.3 out of 5)

Mostly enjoyable.

What exactly did you do?

Total hours: 300 hours (uhh, ok so I forgot to log first 20 or so)
Personal development hours: 20% of total
Mentoring hours (time spent on me by others at CCK): 52 

You can see my timesheet here and here is what I did month by month.

How did you get round to doing an internship with us?

It was a familiar scene; a recent graduate poring over classified ads on a targeted site which oozed corporate confidence and an awareness of desperation. The dejected graduate slowly scrolled down the list of positions, reading between lines of endless enthusiasm and the need for a temporary office barrister.

And then, there it is. An advert which is bursting with personality, filled with a cocktail of excitement, responsibility and the tantalizing hint that this is different. Lo and behold, an advert for a journalism internship for a company that has dedicated itself to coffee, cake and kink. How exciting. How scintillating. How very promising.

Hands shaking, this graduate sent off a cover letter and CV after scouring the ad for an application end date (please, please, please let this get through!) and began compulsively refreshing her email inbox. A charming reply, a cat startled and another letter sent saw her running through train stations and arriving in the big city.

Interns: Jenni

cck team 2011 interns jenniWhat internship did you do?

PR & Marketing Internship, 15 hrs/week, Nov 11 - March 12, incomplete (ended Jan 12)

Overall satisfaction: Happy (4 out of 5)

Very enjoyable indeed. The internship worked well - it's life that got in the way!

What did you do exactly?

Here are some of my timesheets, and here is my internship month by month.

How did you get round to doing an internship with us?

When I saw the advert for CCK's internship scheme, which would allow me to fit in a "part time" internship into my university schedule I was excited. I already knew a little about the organisation, having heard about the CCK shop from a friend a few years ago and the more I researched the organisation, the more excited I was about the prospect of working with CCK.

Unfortunately the deadline for applications had lapsed by one day by the time I stumbled across the advert, but I knew I had to try anyway. I sought out CCK on Twitter and sent a message asking if I could still apply – luckily somebody must have taken pity on me and said yes.

After updating my CV and writing a covering letter that I hoped conveyed how much I wanted the position and how much I'd relish the opportunity to work with a company like CCK I sent off my application – twice.

After a very nervous few days, I got the email accepting me for the internship whilst at a graduate fair. To say I was pleased was an understatement! A lot of phone calls, and a large amount of proud boasting to friends and family later I was ready to get stuck in.

The most important thing I gained from the recruitment process was the importance of being prepared. I knew about the organisation, and I knew how I wanted to get involved. Believing in the organisation, and liking their vision and ethos was vital, and I think is in part why I got the role.

Was the internship represented correctly?

Mostly as described.

How would you rate internship induction?

Smooth, efficient and reassuring. Everybody was very helpful and made it easy to get things done! I got used to all the systems very quickly.

What, specifically, did you learn? What is most valuable?

I wasn't expecting to be trusted and given as much responsibility as I was! I really felt proud that I was shown the support and faith of everybody.

What did you find particularly beneficial?

Learning hands on was the best part of the internship for me. I really loved being able to get involved with projects and being given the responsibility to get on with things.

How did you find home and flexi-working?

Worked well most of the time.

Overall, how well did the internship meet your expectations and why?

Very well, everybody took time to let me work with them, taught me and gave me lots of valuable experiences. It is often hard to describe an internship as the roles will alter dependent on the current activities of the organisation. Most internships are based on observing - but one of the strengths of the CCK internship is that you're actively involved in the business.

What next?

I really appreciate the trust and faith CCK showed in my ability, that has boosted my confidence and my resolve to work in this industry. So more PR, hopefully!

Interns: Leanne Joyce

cck team 2012 leanne joyceWhat internship did you do?

Journalism & Editorial Internship, March 2012 to September 2012 (long-distance)

Overall satisfaction: Happy (4 out of 5)

I would definitely recommend an internship with CCK if you are looking for to see the difference you can make, be appreciated and instantly welcomed into a family all working towards creating something great for the community. You aren't working for CCK, you are working with them. Being so involved as an intern is such a rare opportunity, and I feel very lucky to have been given the chance to do so.

I am not based in London, so the internship did require a high degree of flexibility and committment on both parts. I was grateful to be trusted to manage myself and do the placement well despite the distance and holding down a part-time work (something which would immediatly take me out of the running with most other organisations)!

What exactly did you do?

Here is my timesheet here and here is my internship month by month.

How did you get round to doing an internship with us?

With the realisation of having graduated nearly two years previously, and still no closer to finding a job that I not only really wanted but actually had relevant experience and qualifications for, I decided to explore different options to reach my goal. Whilst attending a publishers' networking event, it became increasingly clear that the only way I was going to progress was to get work experience. Having spent three years at university knowing this but ignoring it in the hope that I would just walk straight into a paid job, I knew I had to do something. After a bit of a panic, I logged into StudentJobs, as good a place to start as any and began my search for something that would give me an opportunity to develop. However, it wasn't just about improving my chances of employment. It was also a chance to develop as a person, to learn new skills, step out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I wanted a challenge, a new focus in my life, and I found all these opportunities at Coffee, Cake and Kink.

Because I was restricted by work and distance, I ended up doing a phone interview sat in my car on my lunch break, BLT sandwich resting on my lap and anxiously waiting for the phone call.

The second stage of the interview was completely different to all my expectations. I found the building quite unexpectedly, being pretty sure I was lost and it just appearing out of nowhere. I made my way up the many flights of stairs, instantly realising how unfit I was! Filled with nerves, I quickly relaxed and almost immediately felt at home. It was no longer about just getting work experience, it was about helping to develop and be involved in something pretty special. I was very pleased to hear I was offered the internship, and already was thinking of all the new things I would learn about and discover during my time at CCK.

Was the internship represented correctly?

Mostly as described. The internship was what I expected and more. The description of the internship was professional, thorough and quite clear what was expected of me as an intern. However, there was a lot more to it than I had initially anticipated. It wasn't just about writing - although that was a big part of it! Although advertised as an internship, I was made to feel like a very important member of the CCK team, and had just as much input and say as the founders.

How would you rate internship induction?

Smooth, efficient and reassuring. The internship induction was executed really well. I went from having a second interview to being inducted on the same day - not something that usually happens in the workplace! It was all very clear and the internship documents really helped me understand what was to come during the internship.

What, specifically, did you learn? What is most valuable?

What this internship gave me was more than just experience as a writer. I learnt how to develop a website, talk my way into getting free stuff (a great perk of being a journalist!), how to move beyond a conventional understanding of things. I learnt that sometimes logic goes out the window and I definitely appreciate good project management. I have also learnt a lot about myself - I have dealt with situations and subjects that six months ago wouldn't have even been on the horizon, so I am grateful that CCK has exposed me to a whole variety of things.

How much did you enjoy the internship and why?

Very enjoyable indeed. I enjoyed the internship a lot more than I was expecting to. What started as something that had to be done in order to improve my chances of getting the job I wanted, turned into something I wanted to do and looked forward to leaving work so I could work on CCK projects. It definitely helped to have great people to work for and with. Everyone was so welcoming which really helped.

How did you find home and flexi-working?

This was actually very beneficial for me, as I am not based in London so my commuting time to the CCK office was 2 hours. Luckily, we came to a mutual arrangement where I mostly worked remotely from home, and this meant I could work around a full time job. Coming up to London for editorial meetings was always something I looked forward to, as it was always good to see everyone and be able to bounce ideas off each other.

What did you find particularly beneficial?

The flexi-working was definitely the most beneficial aspect of the internship. If it wasn't for the flexibility in when I could do my hours, I wouldn't have been able to continue with paid employment and the internship so I am very grateful for this. 

Overall, how well did the internship meet your expectations and why?

Very well. I expected a lot from the internship after the first and second interviews, and that is what I got. It also exceeded my expectations as I was a bit worried I would be designated tea and coffee maker (I actually had most of them made for me!) and not get to do anything very important, but right from the beginning I was given tasks that were important in the creation of the new CCK website. 

How has the internship assisted with your career prospects?

It has been an interesting point of discussion in interviews! I feel a lot more confident in applying for jobs having completed a six month internship as it has broadened my skill set and opened access to a whole new range of jobs for me.

What next? 

Now that I have completed the Journalism internship, I am going to begin an Editorial internship with CCK. I have really enjoyed my time at CCK and want to develop my editorial skills as editorial work is a career I would like to persue.